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The BLK VINTAGE project is pushed by liberation On his first album under this new moniker, titled "BLK ODYSSY", Houston―born and raised in Plainfield, NJ, based in Austin, TX― dives into his personal history as a Black musician and the world he’s grown up around It’s an album deeply informed by individual experiences but applied to the plight of Black Americans everywhere Even when the album chooses smooth vibes and laid back lyrics in favor of overt activism, there’s a philosophical bent that inspires Houston’s work BLK ODYSSY is inspired by a few key moments and artists There’s the death of Houston’s brother, who was killed at the hands of police officers while Houston was living in New Jersey It’s the seminal moment of Houston’s life, the moment he was forced to become an adult and reckon with the harsh reality of being Black in America It fuels everything he does, especially his activism


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