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About Caity Baser


The break-out singer Caity Baser is another TikTok discovery artist making waves, owing to the viral success of her songs “Friendly Sex” and “X&Y“ Albeit foremost, she is grabbing attention for her use of sassy lyricism and acerbic vocal delivery above all And where much of the music industry has been quick to draw comparisons between her musical style with Lily Allen, namely This is pretty much what is said about most female artists when they are outspoken and forthright and don’t sing giddy songs about being loved up With Caity Baser, on her releases thus far, she is experimenting with musical styles Incorporating bluesy soul accents into indie-pop and blurring 60s doo-wop sound with the type of dry-witted lyricism Kate Nash would be proud to write- Mandy Rogers via EQ Music


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Founded in:

Southampton, England, United Kingdom


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Liverpool Sound City 2024, Liverpool, May 4-5

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